“Let’s make some killer content”

-Harper Lee

Creative Mercenary

I cut my Crest Ultra-White®-branded teeth executing the most non-traditional work you can imagine. Usually because they couldn’t find anybody else to do it.

Below is a Whitman’s Sampler® of the knuckleballs people send me. If your project is even weirder than these, give me a call. I’m curious.

Cognex Annual Investor Report

  • CLIENT: Our machine vision company, Cognex, wants our annual SEC investor report to be a parody of Star Trek.

    ME: What is machine vision?

    CLIENT: It scans parts on assembly lines.

    ME: Like Laverne & Shirley’s job at the brewery?

    CLIENT: No.

  • Cognex received a “Captain’s Log” chronicling their year’s ups and downs in language that entertains fans (and non-fans) of Star Trek while also adhering to strict SEC guidelines for financial reporting.

Forward Health: Selling Sunset

  • CLIENT: We’re a tech startup that will revolutionize our broken health insurance industry. And that revolution starts with a parody of Selling Sunset set in a hospital room.

    ME: I have no follow up questions.

  • RESULT: Folks, I only write the words

    The client assured me they were very happy.

AT&T’s “Just Okay” Statcast

  • CLIENT: AT&T’s “Just Okay Is Not Okay” campaign is going to have this digital component where banner ads show unhelpful college football statistics during games.

    ME: How many fake stats do you need?

    CLIENT: Um…just sit at a desk for two weeks and keep coming up with them. There’s water in the kitchen.

  • I produced 1,000 different fake stats, and 220 million impressions later consumers everywhere were reminded that AT&T is at least the second best of our nation’s three major telecom companies.

Anonymous Skincare Mascot

  • CLIENT: We want our mascot, [REDACTED], to eventually have their own tv show. Can you develop them?

    ME: Yes. Do you have any other parameters?

    CLIENT: No…should we?

  • Stay tuned for whenever [REDACTED] hits Netflix!

Ghostwriting TikToks for Bands

  • CLIENT: Our indie music label’s musicians need to post funny stuff to TikTok, but they’re not funny. Can you do it for them?

    ME: Is this for Bruce Springsteen?

    CLIENT: No he is quite literally the only musician who doesn’t have to do this bullshit.

  • Unfortunately, I cannot tell you who I wrote for or what they posted. But broadly speaking it was original comedy bits that tied into the musician’s brand.

Tattoo Zoo Stuffed Animals

  • CLIENT: We make stuffed animals screenprinted with tattoos designed by our favorite artists. Can you write funny character backstories for all of them?

    ME: I’d pretty much only turn down tobacco and gun work.

  • I wrote up about 15 biographies of these stuffed animals, and any one of them can be yours for $39.99